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Less math
Less math, more fun ! Less math is an app for all primary school students to learn mathematics via gamification. Our group of experienced teachers understood well what are the common mistakes and which are the most difficult knowledge domains for students learning mathematics. They have infused those mathematical concept into games, students can just do math while playing games without tedious and repeated practice. All the knowledge domains are based on the Education Bureau curriculum. Click and play now to motivate your kids learning math without exercise.
Features and functionality:
- Game-based math learning app designed by group of qualified teachers
- 5 levels of difficulty and rewards mechanisms in place
- 17-type of game engines follow the Education Bureau curriculum requirements
- report back on your kid’s progress in admin account
- It covers the topics of counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, many more essential topics for primary 1 to 6

Personal Finance Management Mobile Application
RiteXpense, a personal financial management mobile app with 3 main modules including Expenses
management, Payment Gateway integration and Personal Saving Planner (Data Driven, from past
spending pattern). Our competitive edges are that RiteX is the first mobile application with
OCR to scan Chinese Text mixed with English text and numbers with high accuracy which allows
handily and user friendly expenses data input.
End users can use the mobile app to capture bills and receipts from time to time, then
expenses data and payment data will be analysed, users’ spending pattern and the coming
financial need can be checked and eventually help with the user with data driven saving plan.

RiteXpense是一款個人財務管理手機應用程序,其中三個主要功能包括支出管理,付款功能及個人儲蓄計劃(依據客觀數據分析報告而由人工智能建議)。 RiteXpense是第一個手機應用程式可以高精度地掃描混合了英文、數字以及中文的賬單,讓用戶更方便更輕鬆地輸入支出費用的數據。 用戶可以隨時隨地輕鬆輸入賬單和收據,系統可實時分類及儲存賬單,用戶可一目了然自己的消費模式,並依據其財務需要定立儲蓄方案,達致全面有效管理個人財務。
RiteX is a Hong Kong based technology company aimed to provide customers with creative and practical AI based applications ranging from learning, personal financial mobile applications to corporate business solutions. We believe that the huge market need for smart device applications will be exponentially growth these years across organizations and industries . Nearly one-third of enterprises are investing up to $50 million in automation, including AI, machine learning, cognitive computing and robotic process automation (SOURCE: KPMG THE STATE OF INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION, 2019). RiteX is your perfect IT partner to undergo this digital transformation together. Let’s succeed together. Right AI -RiteX when no one else is around.